08. World Bank Data Dashboard [advanced version]
Code Walk-Through
Advanced API Code Walk-through
Link to the Code
You can find code for this data dashboard here on GitHub .
How the Filter Works
This version of the web app has a filter made with a form. When you check the boxes on the form and click submit, the form gets submitted to the index.html page. It's essentially a circle where the index.html loads, the form gets submitted to index.html itself, and then index.html loads again. With a web form, you could also submit the form to a different web page.
On the back-end, routes.py can access the information that was submitted with the web form; the front-end receives information about which boxes were checked.
Code your Project
Start working on your project! Go back to the "Workspace Portfolio Exercise" with the template code. You'll find it earlier in this Portfolio Exercise lesson. Here are a few APIs that you might find interesting to work with:
Many government and city agencies have APIs where you can access city data.